I GET IT....

paying someone to capture your memories in photo form is not a cheap luxury. BUT (yes but), investing in your photos is not only something you will not regret, but something you will be proud of in the end. Remember, these are photos that are going to hang on your walls in your home. Everyone will look at them when they come in. These are memories that will be passed down to your children, and to their children, and so on.

Would you like to spend $75.00 on something that you ultimately don't love enough to share? Or would you rather save your money, and get those dreamy heirloom portraits that will be passed down for generations to come?

Now, Let's Save Some Money!

Refer a Friend

I want to meet your friends!

I love getting to know your families and friends. It really is one of the joys of my referral program.

For every friend you refer that books a session with me, you will receive a $10.00 credit towards your next session. Your referral friend will also save $10.00 on their session for mentioning your name so make sure they let me know!

The best part.... THERE IS NO LIMIT!!

*This begins in year 2024. Must be new clients who have never booked with me*

Book Maternity & Newborn

This is a GOOD one. My entire goal for newborn is to photograph your baby's journey. Your pregnancy is a part of his/her journey. It's also a huge compliment to your photographer.

"Hey I want you to photograph my pregnancy. I also want you to meet the baby you photographed while they were in utero."

Book a maternity session, and receive $100.00 off of your Newborn Gold or Silver package.

*Both deposits will need to be paid at the time of booking. This does not apply to Mini Newborn Sessions*

Book Two Get One Free

Did someone say FREE?! Sure did!

If you book two In The Moment sessions with me in a calendar year, you will receive the 3rd session FREE. These two sessions do not have to be booked at the same time. When your second session is paid for in full, the 3rd free session is considered valid.

*Your third session must be scheduled within 3 months of your second session date** - This is to avoid last minute scheduling issues

Leave a Review

Leave me an honest review on my Facebook page or Google page and receive $10.00 off your next session.

This is probably the easiest thing you can do and it's completely free. You wouldn't believe how much this helps my business. People will search for photographers, come across my page, and hear what you have to say!

*Must be a client who has already booked with me in the past. Limit 1 review per calendar year*

Repeat Client

Not often are their promotional offers given to the clients who have already invested in you in this day and age. I am here to tell you that stops today when booking your sessions with Cochran Nostalgic Photography. My loyal repeat clients are my biggest asset and I want you to know that.

Repeat Clients will receive $25.00 of their sessions. This can be combined with ALL other discounts.

Pay Balance with Cash

Cash is King, we all know this!

Pay your balance with Cash the week before your session instead of online, and receive $20.00 off!

This helps me not have to pay those annoying fees with Square.

Stipulations/No exceptions:

  1. You MUST pay for your session on time for this to be a thing.
  2. You must also be willing to travel to Daleville to meet and pay.

**Deposits will still need to be paid up front through Square to book your session**